
Friday, December 28, 2018

Obligatory Year-End Round-Up

Hey everyone! Been a while, hasn't it? I wish I had some lofty reason for not really blogging much, something about unplugging or stepping back or self care, but I'm pretty sure it all comes down to general laziness. Ah well.

As 2018 comes to an end, everywhere I look I see year-end round-ups of the best things, of worst things, of things accomplished. And also of things anticipated for 2019. So I decided to do a round-up of my own stuff. Why not. Partly because I'm bored, and partly because I've had a supremely unproductive two months (can't tell if I'm burned out, worn out, or just in a funk), and boasting about the things I've actually gotten done seems like it could be therapeutic.

So, here's a list of writing-type things I accomplished in 2018:

Hmm, okay, that was a lot. I actually had to go onto my own Amazon page and look some of this stuff up... I feel better now.

While I'm at it, here are my writing-type goals for 2019:

  • Publish Stronger Than a Bronze Dragon (well, technically the publisher will publish it, but I'll be promoting the heck out of it!)
  • Publish the fourth Brave New Girls anthology (subtitle to be announced!)
  • Publish Wayward Stars in e-book and print (I mean, the work's all done and I'm just waiting for the copies to arrive from the printer, but there will be promoting to do) as well as audio (still have to get on that one)
  • Publish a collection of shorts from the Flynn Nightsider universe starring Aurelia "the Firedragon" Sun (3 of them are already done... just need to write a 4th and compile the thing)
  • Make my YA sci-fi mystery readable and send it to my agent
  • Write the third and final book in the Starswept trilogy
  • Write a horror novella (just because I have an idea for one)
  • Decide which new full-length novel I'm writing next in case neither the contemporary fantasy nor the sci-fi mystery ends up selling
Sounds doable enough... right?

1 comment:

  1. Cannot wait to read Stronger Than a Bronze Dragon 😍

    Shirley |
