
Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Random post because I'm feeling neglectful

I've never been the most consistent of bloggers, but I've been feeling particularly neglectful these days, and the guilt is starting to pile up, so here's a random post to make me feel slightly less lazy. I could give a number of reasons for why I haven't been posting much these days... mad allergies and the antihistamine fog that kept me hazy or simply knocked out for days on end, travel and the long-ass drives that accompany them, attempting to have a social life, attempting to be less of a lump and adhere to a workout regimen of sorts, an impromptu weeknight mission to extract my sister from Bumfuck, NH that threw off my sleep schedule for a week... I know, I know, excuses excuses.

BUT I haven't been entirely unproductive on the blog front, even though I haven't been posting things to this particular blog. Here's a revisions checklist I wrote for Across the Board: And here's a guest post on ways to procrastinate that actually help your writing that I wrote for Open Ink Perspectives:

Oh yeah, and there's the Star Wars fan fic I wrote for the Glass House Press blog last month:

See? See? I haven't been totally unproductive! (she said unconvincingly)

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